Harbridge Insights – Flourishing Fridays
Harbridge Insights – Thriving Tuesdays
Thriving Tuesdays are all about small changes you can make to flourish and thrive. Today’s post is about box breathing. Known by various names including Navy SEAL breathing, resetting your breath, and 4 square breathing, it is designed to calm and regulate your nervous system when you get into flight or fight mode. It’s […]
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to. Today’s post is about walking meditations. As we spend so much time rushing from one thing to another, we may not take the time to focus and notice what is going on. The following activity is a short 10 minute exercise […]
Harbridge Insights – Flourishing Fridays
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to. Breathing Today’s post is about breathing. Be conscious as you go about your day today (and beyond) that you are taking full breathes in and out. When our thoughts get hectic, we can start to limit our breathing by taking shallower […]
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to. Taking time to be more mindful and present Today’s post is about being more mindful. Mindfulness is not meditation, although meditation is one form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply paying attention without judgement. There are lots of ways to be mindful, […]