Flourishing Fridays are about things to consider as you head into the weekend.
Today I am sharing a free website which has a range of things for you to consider as we head into the weekend:
The Action for Happiness website https://www.actionforhappiness.org/ – amongst other things, they produce an monthly calendar similar to the one I posted earlier in the week (although they don’t have the links to the underlying research). You can also download a guide to 10 keys for happier living, as well as a 10 days of happiness challenge (free) https://10daysofhappiness.org/. They also run a number of events. From experience, unless it’s a global event, they tend to be run in Melbourne, but at the moment, there’s obviously a lot on line as well.
Anyway, have a look in your own time and consider signing up for emails and updates as suitable.
Enjoy (and have a great weekend)!!