Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to.
Stop Watching the News
With so much negative news at the moment, it is easy to be sucked into the “world is going to hell in a hand-basket” mentality. However, by being mindful and paying attention to what you give you attention to, you can create the physical and psychological space to thrive.
One way to do this is to avoid the latest/breaking/exclusive news being peddled out on TV, radio and in the paper. This also applies to apps that do the same thing. Check out this awesome video by someone working in the media on how they build up and play on your fears:
I have also attached two articles that explain the impact of being stuck in the news cycle on your mental health. One of the key takeaways is that Individuals who watched just three minutes of negative news in the morning had a whopping 27% greater likelihood of reporting their day as unhappy six to eight hours later compared to the positive condition.
I hope that the video and the two articles will inspire you to turn off the apps and stay away from the news, or limit your viewing/listening/reading time. Be more mindful about the “news” you let into your life right now. Get updates from Government or official websites and look for more positive news options such as:
ABC Good News BrightVibes Good News Network New Daily Good News Positive News Sunny Skyz Good News Thrive Global