Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to.
This week, we are externally focussed on helping others, which research indicates not only provides great benefits to the recipients, but also has positive effects on the givers.
Today’s mindful activity is to check in with someone you haven’t heard from for a while or suspect isn’t travelling that well. Given them a call and ask if they are OK. Let them know you are there for them and ready to listen and help if required. Be mindful in these conversations. It’s not about solving their problems, it’s really listening to what they are say and not saying. These are tough conversations to have, but ones that can make a huge difference.
There are over 170 specialised mental health organisations in Australia. Some additional resources that might be helpful for you or them can be found at https://www.australiacounselling.com.au/top-mental-health-organisations/.