Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays/Thriving Tuesdays
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Harbridge Insights – Flourishing Fridays
Flourishing Fridays are about things to consider as you head into the weekend. I hope the week of reflection is helping you focus on what is and isn’t working in isolation and what you may want to change post-isolation. To develop resilience (which can only be done when facing adversity and not in the […]
Harbridge Insights – Thankful Thursdays
Thankful Thursdays are about gratitude and being thankful for what you already have in your life. Being thanks and grateful means being mindful and not taking things for granted. Here’s some of the suggestions of the last 8 weeks: Dinner time questions/discussions Thank you notes/letters Being grateful for today Gratitude board Taking a daily […]
Harbridge Insights – Wicked Wednesdays
Wicked Wednesdays are good new stories of people and organisations making positive changes in the world. Over the past eight weeks, I have shared links and articles to some truly amazing individuals and organisations. Hopefully you have been inspired by these people and groups as I have. As you reflect on your life at […]
Harbridge Insights – Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays are about paying attention to what you are paying attention to. Today’s post is about reflection. Actually, the whole week is about reflection. With new routines (sort of) in place and governments providing a little more direction, I thought it was time to take stock and reflect on the last couple of […]
Harbridge Insights – Thriving Tuesdays
Thriving Tuesdays are all about small changes you can make to flourish and thrive. Today’s post is about box breathing. Known by various names including Navy SEAL breathing, resetting your breath, and 4 square breathing, it is designed to calm and regulate your nervous system when you get into flight or fight mode. It’s […]